Simple Things- Seasonal Finds
A wonderful project with Simple Things magazine where I created a seasonal flat-lay image for each month through the year of nature finds from my walks here in Dorset. These images were featured on several front covers, and all the back covers to celebrate each month. A lovely way to observe and enjoy the seasons xx
JANUARY- Yellow Gorse, Bramble, Heather, Catkins, Oak, & Pebbles.
FEBRUARY- Winter Cherry, Magnolia Buds, Snowdrops, Beech, Hazel & Crocus.
MARCH- Wild Daffodils, Blackthorn Blossom, Moss, Pussy Willow, Magnolia, Wood Anemone & Primroses.
APRIL- Forget-me-Not, Wild Garlic, Ferns, Wild Cherry, & Bluebells.
MAY- Buttercups, Hawthorn Blossom, Oak, Cow Parsley, Beech & Red Campion.
JUNE- Wild Dog Rose, Ox Eye Daisy, Foxgloves, Elderflower & Red Clover.
JULY- Pebbles, Yarrow, Greater Knapweed, Oyster Shell & Wild Carrot.
AUGUST- Mussel Shells, Limpet shells, Seaweed, Razor Clam, Limpet & Periwinkle.
SEPTEMBER- Rowan berries, Acorn, Hops, Elderberries, Rose-hips & Blackberries.
OCTOBER- Hawthorn, Oak, Sweet Chestnut, Beech Nuts, Sycamore & Beech.
NOVEMBER- Bracken, Lichen, Honesty, Sea Kale, Teasel & Alder.
DECEMBER- Pine Cones, Ivy, Larch, Fir, Old Man’s Beard & Holly.